Friday, 22 March 2013

An Apology and An Offer

To everyone who has supported me by purchasing a copy of my recently-published collection of short stories, Pride Revisited, I thank you from the bottom of my heart - and I hope sincerely that you are enjoying it!

To those who purchased the paperback version at, however, I was recently made aware that there is a printing error in the book... in fact, the same error made a dozen times!  When I screw up, I do it big time; but at least I'm consistent.

Long story short, as a result of a mass correction that went awry, every time the word "stretched" is supposed to appear, you will see the word "stRichard."  It occurs twelve times throughout the book.  The manuscript has been amended now so that future copies will be correct.

The error isn't earth-shattering, but I do know that something of that nature can, as you are reading along, draw you out of the flow of the narrative -- and for that I apologize.  And along with the apology, I make this offer:  if you purchased the paperback at Lulu, and you would like to get a corrected copy of the book, I will replace it free of charge.   To request a replacement, click on the Contact tab at the top of my blog, and use the form to email me with your information: your name, mailing address, email address in case I need to coordinate with you, and if you can recall it, approximately when you bought the paperback.   I'll get a replacement out to you as soon as possible.

If you prefer to pen-and-ink corrections in the copy you purchased already, the typo appears on the following pages:  56, 75, 104, 113, 149, 174, 243, 273, 274, 283, 293, 307.

Thankfully, there have been far more ebook purchases than paperbacks; and in ebook format, it should be correct. But if there is a problem, please let me know and I will rectify it.

Thanks again for your support -- and also for your patience with me as I fumble my way through this world of online publishing! My next book will be perfect!!! (fingers crossed)

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Sloane St, 18th April 1811: “We drank tea again yesterday with the Tilsons, and met the Smiths. I find all these little parties very pleasant.” (Jane Austen’s letters)

Chawton, 31st May 1811: “She [Anna] had a delightful evening with the Miss Middletons -- syllabub, tea, coffee, singing, dancing, a hot supper, eleven o'clock, everything that can be imagined agreeable.” (Jane Austen’s letters)

What could be more agreeable than an afternoon spent with good company in a lovely setting with tea, conversation, music and dancing! And this is precisely what I was privy to enjoy yesterday at an event sponsored jointly by the Columbia County and Clermont Historical Societies.

“Formally Invited: An Early 19th Century Tea Party” was held at the Vanderpoel House of History in Kinderhook, NY - and what a pleasant time was had by all. As I climbed into the car with two friends for the two-plus hour drive north to Kinderhook, I may have paused to wonder if it was worth going for only a two hour event and another two hour drive back; but I can state emphatically that it was well worth it.
Exterior of Vanderpoel house, built in 1810
Exterior of house, built in 1810
As our trio walked up the path to the house, the door was flung open and we were met with a giddy welcome from Kristin, a young friend we had met the previous summer at another Austen-related event. So nice to be reconnected with amiable people! As others arrived, we acquainted ourselves with the lovely restored rooms of the main floor before repairing to one of the parlours for tea - a glorious spread (syllabub and all), beautifully presented and delicious too!
Lovely presentation of the tea table
Lovely presentation of the tea table, complete with syllabub
Delicious standing tarts, biscuits... mmmm
Delicious standing tarts, biscuits... mmmm
Strawberry Ices
Strawberry Ices
I had the good fortune to find a strawberry sticker on the underside of my teacup -- I had won the door prize! A gift bag containing a Columbia county historical magazine; a DVD (Becoming Jane, at which I laughed as it is my least favourite period film... ever...; two canisters of tea (Clermont and Vanderpoel blends, yum); and a little zip bag printed with Pride and Prejudice dialogue - perfectly sized for a travel makeup bag.

No sooner had I exclaimed over my good fortune than the band struck up for some dancing and we moved into the second parlour. As the house, built in 1810, is still in renovation, there was no carpet in want of rolling up; all was in ready. Four musicians played dulcimers, guitars, mandolins, recorders and such as dances were called for a dozen pairs. Despite my still-rehabbing knee I joined in—I am paying for it today but how often is one afforded the opportunity for a country house impromptu dance?—it was worth it.

The friends I came with, Bonnie and Maureen, and Kristin (in green) with whom we had a reunion
With the friends I came with, Bonnie and Maureen, and Kristin (in green) with whom we had a reunion
Strike up the band!
Strike up the band!
Dancing away the afternoon
Dancing away the afternoon

All too soon the afternoon came to a close. We took our leave from new acquaintances and renewed friends, until the next time – which I hope will be very soon indeed!

Finally having to take our leave for the carriage drive home
Finally having to take our leave for the carriage drive home
L to R: Deirdre, Shari, Bonnie, yours truly, Kristen, Maureen

My thanks to the volunteers from the Columbia Country Historic Society and the Clermont Historic Society for introducing us to this lovely house and 19th century hospitality. I cannot commend you highly enough for the perfect organization and execution of this event and the warm welcome all of your guests received.

We may not have stayed until eleven o’clock for a hot supper... but in all respects, our experience was indeed “everything that can be imagined agreeable.”

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Only six people scored 100% on the Pride and Prejudice Quiz (and one chose not to participate in the prize drawing) -- every quiz participant was assigned a number, and all the numbers were then included in a drawing at The first number which came up wins a set of Royal Mail issued Jane Austen commemorative stamps!

Janet Taylor
Congratulations to Janet, and thanks to all of you who participated by taking the quiz !!!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

One Last Chance to Win!!!

One more day for you to take the quiz at the link below – it will close tomorrow night at midnight. Score a perfect 10 (one is a given, it’s your name) and you will be entered into a drawing for a wonderful prize: a set of the recently- released Jane Austen commemorative stamps by the Royal Mail!

Test your knowledge of Pride and Prejudice — it just might pay dividends!!!

Monday, 11 March 2013

Four Days Left to Take a Quiz and Possibly Win!

Four days remain for you to take the quiz at the link below. Everyone who scores a perfect 10 will be entered into a drawing for a wonderful prize: a set of the recently- released Jane Austen commemorative stamps by the Royal Mail! Test your knowledge of Pride and Prejudice — it just might pay dividends!!!

Friday, 8 March 2013

Caroline's Comeuppance - Available for Kindle

Caroline Bingley has lost the man of her dreams… or at least, the man of her schemes! Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy has just become engaged to Miss Elizabeth Bennet of Hertfordshire, and Caroline is seriously displeased. Can she scuttle this engagement before it’s too late? And if she can’t, is there life after Mr Darcy?

Caroline’s Comeuppance was my first publication – a little less smooth in general than my later writing, but overall a fun read. All the familiar characters are there, as well as several new ones in this novel focusing on a ’jilted’ Caroline Bingley.

Available until now only in hardback (a decision I regret as it priced it out of many people’s reach to include mine!) this “oldie” is now available for only $2.99 in Kindle format! Visit and you could be reading this humorous offering in just minutes!

Caroline... at Amazon-Kindle

Quiz Time!!!

How well do you know Pride and Prejudice? 

Take this short quiz and you might win a fabulous prize -- a set of recently-released Royal mail stamps commemorating Jane Austen!  Click on the "Take this Quiz!" link below to participate.  Everyone who gets all the questions correct will be entered into a drawing for the prize.  (Don't forget to fill in your name when asked!)  The quiz will close on 15 March, and I will announce the winner of the stamp set on the 16th. 

How Well Do You Know...